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Mug Presses

Joto's mug presses are versatile tools designed for applying transfers to a broad range of mug types, including standard mugs, water bottles, travel mugs, and latte cups. These presses are especially user-friendly, featuring interchangeable element wraps that allow for easy customization across different substrates. The digital control unit simplifies the process, with straightforward controls for setting time and temperature, making it accessible even for beginners.

These mug presses are particularly well-suited for both laser and sublimation transfers, offering a reliable and efficient way to produce high-quality personalized or branded drinkware. The ability to easily switch between different element wraps ensures that you can adapt to various product sizes and shapes, increasing the versatility and potential product offerings for a business. Ideal for businesses looking to expand their merchandise or for personal use, Joto's mug presses provide a practical solution for custom drinkware creation.

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